2020, 37th National Radio Science Conference (NRSC2020)
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Registration Type Registration Fee Comments
1,500 Pounds
0 Euros
Fees cover attending sessions, proceedings CD, lunches, and coffee breaks for the period of the conference for one of the authors. Nonrefundable fees, LE500 (from outside Egypt, €200), are paid with paper submission. The remaining registration fees are paid with the camera ready submission. Extra pages will be charged LE200 (from outside Egypt, €60) per page with maximum of two
0 Pounds
500 Euros
Fees cover attending sessions, proceedings CD, lunches, and coffee breaks for the period of the conference for one of the authors. Nonrefundable fees, LE500 (from outside Egypt, €200), are paid with paper submission. The remaining registration fees are paid with the camera ready submission. Extra pages will be charged LE200 (from outside Egypt, €60) per page with maximum of two
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